October  6, 2010, 5:00PM VBW GARAGE 


            Meeting called to order at 5:00pm.

Present at the meeting were R. Clarke, J. Fitzsimmons, J. Deasy, D. Serieka and W. Howe, Trustees, and K. Lazarus representing The Dartmouth Group ("TDG"). H. Tillman, Communications Committee also attended.

September Minutes:  Approved.

Procedural Note: In these minutes, action items are bold and italicized.

Interim Approvals Since the September meeting:

            The Trustees confirmed an interim e-mail approval to fund $4,000 to repair VBW lawn damage as well as other visible areas throughout the complex. The work was completed last week to take advantage of forecast rain.

            The Trustees also ratified the interim payment of $2,000 and final payment of $2,200 to Ogden well. At our last meeting, R. Clarke was designated to attempt to reduce the amount due because of well drilling delays but further investigation revealed that APT was negligent by not making required progress payments.

Financial Matters:

 The Trustees reviewed the August 2010 Financial Report. It appears that we will have a significant surplus again this year which can be used to fund additional expenses, previously scheduled for early 2011, prior to the current year-end. This will hold down 2011 operating expenses.

The Trustees approved the 2011 budget which shows breakeven operations. The Trustees, however, approved a 2% increase in 2011 condominium fees to supplement our reserves due to heavier than expected 2010 capital expenditures.

Our spreadsheet efforts have been further delayed due to the change to TDG accounting systems.

We have received preliminary estimates for our 2012 repaving project which are consistent with prior reserve assumptions precluding a significantly larger reserve requirement, at least for now. Residents should be aware, however, that the final cost will be driven, in large part, by the price of oil.

Maintenance Report:

           The Trustees reviewed final but incomplete maintenance reports through September 24. R DeFilippo has resigned as Maintenance Supervisor effective 9/30. The Trustees had been generally satisfied with his work but noted that his productivity declined significantly over the summer months and he has failed to make himself available for an orderly turnover of his duties to TDG.

            The Trustees had no choice but to approve an expenditure not to exceed $175 to pay R. DeFilippo to return and brief TDG on turnover items and issues.K. Lazarus reported that approximately 100 resumes were received for a permanent replacement with a final decision next week. The Trustees approved an expenditure of approximately $300 for a pool certification course if needed by the new Maintenance Supervisor.

Management Report

Quail Run Condominium Trust

September 30, 2010

Delinquency Report:  This report covers through September 30, 2010;

One owner is now overdue $240 representing fines for water heater non-compliance

Pre-paid condo fees:  As of September 30, 2010, the Trust has $8,983.26 in prepaid condominium and parking fees.

Money Market Reserve Balance:

CitiBank Money Market Account Activity:

August 30, 2010 Balance                                                                    $57,944.69

Craftsmen Restoration (9 Douglass Green)                                        $   2,850.00

Odgen Well (hydro-fracturing)                                                           $   2,000.00

September Contribution                                                                      $   7,739.00

Available Funds in CitiBank Money Market June 30, 2010 $60,833.69

There are no CDs due until 5/20/2011


Ogden Well & Pump completed the hydro-fracturing and installation of the pump. It is my understanding that there remains a difference of opinion as to whether Odgen Well should be paid any further monies. Below is an accounting of the payments that were made:

   Orig well bid 500'       $5,462.00

            Addtl drilling             $2,275.00

            Hydro-fracturing         $2,000.00   

            Original pump              $4,200.00

            Pump upgrade             $1,718.00


Total                            $15,665.00

Paid                           ($11,737.00)

Due:                            $3,928.00


By e-mail the Board of Trustees approved the expense of $10,000 to paint the front entries. Work began on September 23rd and must be completed by November 1, 2010.

Insurance claim

On September 16, 2010, Rich DeFilippo noticed that the Yamaha utility vehicle was missing from the Vine Brook Garage. Woburn Police were notified and conducted a search of the woods behind Vine Brook. Tire tracks were found but no vehicle. Insurance claim was filed; the adjuster interviewed Rich DeFilippo and visited the site. No determination as of yet whether Quail Run will be reimbursed for the vehicle. During the theft the alligator clips and electrical leads that power the water tank/spot sprayer were damaged. Prior to leaving Quail Run Rich looked in local Radio Shacks and hardware stores for a replacement of the missing part, none available. Nancy contacted Northern Tool; the replacement part #777493 is available

le for $6.60 plus shipping.

Management Report Meeting Updates:

           The $10,000 painting project was approved and recorded in our August minutes, not by e-mail as reported above.

            The amounts reported as due to Ogden Well above are not consistent with information provided earlier by APT. TDG will reconcile the approximate $300 discrepancy and report back to the Trustees.

           We are still awaiting an insurance company response regarding the stolen maintenance vehicle. There has been no further information as to perpetrators or possible recovery of the vehicle. K. Lazarus will follow up regarding our claim and replacement of electrical connections for our watering tank.

            K. Lazarus will confirm the accuracy of overdue fines and will waive any fines with nominal balances.

            K. Lazarus will also investigate the wisdom of rebidding our insurance arrangements this year.


Dartmouth Turnover Issues:

           Residents will be notified of the access codes for using the TDG web site for maintenance requests and many other options. In the meantime, maintenance requests will be handled by phone or direct e-mail.

            K. Lazarus will confirm' with APT, the appropriateness of two old plumbing bills in the approximate total amount of $800 and identify the SMB unit requiring roof replacement.

            K. Lazarus will also ask TDG staff to use traditional e-mail formats when sending communications to our residents.


Landscaping/ Special Landscaping:

            We have received oral Conservation Committee approval to remove up to 8 large trees (4 pines and 4 oaks) overhanging units at DG and SMB. R. Clarke will follow uo for written confirmation and K. Lazarus will now procure at least 3 bids for specialized arborists with crane equipment to do the removal. These trees must be removed for safety reasons with the pines a top 2011 priority. We may defer the removal of the oaks, with the concurrence of our arborist Derek Binding, based on budget considerations and potential savings by doing it all at the same time.

Old Business:

            The Trustees have now decided to do both a hard copy mailing as well as e-mail transmission of annual meeting materials. TDG will limit the envelope contents to 3 pages to control postage expense and D. Serieka will coordinate the return of signed proxies to TDG. K. Lazarus will coordinate meeting arrangements with the First Congregational church.

           The Trustees approved the expenditure of $6,400 for additional engineering costs for drainage remediation in two areas. This will also include the preparation of specs and presentation at a Conservation Commission Hearing on Nov. 4. K. Lazarus will use the specs as soon as available to solicit a minimum of 3 bids to improve drainage along the main road behind MG and at the mailbox area. We hope to receive approval and complete the work this year before the ground freezes.  As part of the project, we plan to remove the two aging willows next to the mailboxes which are interfering with existing drainage and will plant suitable replacements next spring.

            The Trustees approved the use of white vinyl railings for VBW as specified in our Handbook. We are not aware of any resident requests elsewhere and are still hoping that more compatible colors become available for other clusters more visible from our main roadways.

New Business:

R. Clarke will review our condo documents for opportunites to rectify non-conforming features of units being transferredto new owners who may not be aware of their responsibility and/or liability for such issues.

            J. Deasy will investigate improvements to the visibility and legal requirements for existing unit numbers.

A request was received for FHA certification facilitating financing at minimal equity levels. This would cost the Trust approximately $4,000 in the face of limited demand for such financing.TDG will respond that any resident is free to apply at their own expense.

Executive Session:

A recent complaint regarding the transparency of Board activities were discussed and found to be without merit.

Next Trustees' Meeting:November 3,2010, 5:00pm at the garage office. The Trustees also confirmed November 18 as the date for our 2010 annual meeting. To be held at the First Congregational Church in Woburn Center.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.