QUAIL RUN CONDOMINIUM TRUST Meeting called to order at 5:00pm. Present at the meeting were D. Serieka, J. Deasy with R. Clarke and W. Howe, Trustees (attending by telephone), N. Cahill and R. DeFilippo representing APT, Inc. H. Tillman, Communications Committee also attended by phone. December Minutes: Approved as presented. Procedural Note: In these minutes, action items are bold and italicized. Interim E-mail Approvals: The Trustees confirmed the heater venting plan for the rear of 11 DG previously approved by interim e-mail vote. R. DeFilippo will inspect the installation to confirm that it complies with the plan as approved. Financial Matters: The November financials show a surplus over plan in the range of$ 30,000 which should approximate the expected final 2009 surplus when the December twelve month results are available. Maintenance Report: The December reports were reviewed previously by the Trustees on-line which included the completion of the JG trash structure. The Trustees discussed possible tasks to be performed by the Maintenance Supervisor during the cold weather months January through March. R. De Filippo will replace deteriorated garage door trim on five units using Azek at a cost not to exceed $500 and report back to the Trustees’ February meeting as to how many more garages require work along with a total estimated cost. R. DeFilippo is also investigating the purchase of a Cushman type maintenance vehicle as well as materials and cost of replacing deck railing tops at MG, SMB, DG and KG and will provide February recommendations here as well. The Trustees approved the purchase of a small gas operated chain saw at a cost not to exceed $125. This will facilitate the removal of dead trees and heavy underbrush throughout the property as weather permits. The Maintenance supervisor will remind our late fall gutter cleaning contractor to pay more attention next year to available ten day weather forecasts. Management ReportQuail Run Condominium Trust January 6, 2010 Delinquency Report: This report covers through December 30, 2009 collection of Condo fees. There are no delinquent accounts. Pre-paid condo fees: As of December 30, 2009, the Trust has $23,204.37 in prepaid condominium and parking fees.Money Market Reserve: As of December 30, 2009 Citibank Money Market Balance: $30,203.74. Certificate of Deposit: On 1/14/10, $40,000 CD with Century Bank will become due. There is a 10
day grace period in which the Board will be able to decide to reinvest at
Century Bank or with another institution. If a good rate is found, it is
suggested by
Water Heater Notices: There still are 50 units that have not provided up to date information or changed their water heaters. APT will be sending notices to those that have not complied with the first request. The notice will contain stronger language regarding the maintenance and repair of the Units. Landscape Contract: It was requested that new language be established for the trimming of trees under 15’ tall. Current Language: Trees (up to 15 feet tall) and shrub care around the units and centers
Including low level dead branches Suggested language change:
Management Report Meeting Updates: APT will recommend the purchase of a replacement CD on or about 1/14/10 when our current Century Bank Certificate matures. Guidelines are to get the best available FDIC insured rate ($100,000 max per bank) with maturity no later than 3/31/12. N. Cahill will provide a draft second water heater notice to the Trustees by e-mail for editing and forwarding to approximately 50 owners who have not yet complied with existing reporting requirements. Landscaping: J. Vanaria will be invited to our February meeting to discuss tree pruning requirements and to provide samples of available mulches. We hope to sign the spring/summer agreement at the conclusion of this portion of the meeting. N. Cahill will also remind J. Vanaria that he agreed to put reflective materials on the tips of our wooden snow stakes and that next fall, his plow operator should direct the placement of the stakes. R. Clarke reported that our tree farm has been stocked with 20 flowering tree saplings donated by J. Alpert and W. Howe. Old Business: N. Cahill will resolve the final issues regarding the Perkins settlement and report back at our February meeting. N. Cahill will also confirm that our detached garage specs are now complete. New Business: H. Tillman will extract useful information for residents from the APT “Synopsis” and circulate a draft list for inclusion in the next Quail Runner. She will also insert a visible reminder as to the need of a winter heating contract with a reputable vendor. Executive Session: The Trustees along with N. Cahill discussed the Maintenance Supervisor’s work hours and a program to charge a portion of his time from January to March to third parties. N. Cahill will report further at our February meeting and will provide an updated job description. Next Trustees’ Meeting: February 3, 2010, 5:00pm at the garage office. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. |