April 7, 2010, 5:00PM VBW GARAGE 


            Meeting called to order at 5:00pm.

Present at the meeting were R. Clarke, J. Deasy, D. Serieka and W. Howe, Trustees, N. Cahill and R. DeFilippo representing APT, Inc. H. Tillman, Communications Committee. The Kents also attended to make a presentation on railing materials.

March Minutes:  Approved as amended.

Procedural Note: In these minutes, action items are bold and italicized.

Interim Approvals:

            The Trustees confirmed interim e-mail approvals to authorize the purchase of additional loam at a cost not to exceed $230 and to spend $482 to grind stumps of trees removed during the winter. The stump approval was increased to $582 to include the stump of a tree to be removed at 16 DG later this spring.

Financial Matters:

            The final 2010 audit was received with hard copies to APT and the Trustee Chairman.

 The Trustees also reviewed and accepted the February 2010 Financial Report. It is too soon to do meaningful actual vs. budget analysis but there were no apparent surprises in the February numbers.

The Finance Committee has still not resumed spread sheet analysis and Hope Tillman has agreed to help move this project along. R. Clarke will arrange for the transition.

It was also noted that our operating fund has over $50,000 in cash but that there will be heavy seasonal cash outflows in the next few months.

Maintenance Report:

            The Trustees have reviewed weekly maintenance reports through March on-line. This has been a very busy month due to recent heavy rainfall coupled with seasonal requirements. It should be noted that APT made the decision not to transcribe the handwritten reports without prior notice to the Trust.

            The Trustees approved the expenditure of $2,000 for camera inspection of problem catch basins and drains at MG as the first step in our drainage remediation efforts which are expected to be our most significant capital expense this year.

            The Maintenance Supervisor will work with the owner of 7 SMB to develop a plan to assess and remediate severe basement flooding as well as the owner of 17 SMB where significant water leakage has occurred

Garage trim has been replaced on 11 units with work to resume next fall on the remaining 11 units where rotting has occurred.

The second SMB trash area refurbishing has been delayed until fall due to other priorities including the repair of a burst pipe in the pool house. The Maintenance Supervisor will replace the roof this month with a temporary cover and shore up the structure as necessary until refurbishing resumes.

Management Report

Quail Run Condominium Trust

April 7, 2010

Delinquency Report:  This report covers through March 31, 2010 collection of Condo fees. 

Two unit owners have minor arrearages and are being fined in accordance with our policies.

Pre-paid condo fees:  As of March 31, 2010, the Trust has $22,659.14 in prepaid condominium and parking fees.

Money Market Reserve Balance:

CitiBank Money Market Account Activity:

February 28, 2010 Balance                                                     $40,409.27

March  Contribution                                                                $ 7,739.00

Available Funds in CitiBank Money Market February 28th $40,384.51

One C/D will mature in April. American Properties Team will provide a listing of possible investment opportunities the week prior to the renewal date.


The 2009 Final Audit was e-mailed to the Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee.

Utility Vehicle

The Yamaha Utility Vehicle was delivered and is stored in the garage. Use of the vehicle has begun with the moving of loam from the rear of the pool house to various locations throughout the property. In order to maximize the use of the vehicle it is suggested to install a gate in the chain link fence for vehicle access. Right now Rich has to cart the loam to the front of the pool house and then into the vehicle.

Bids to install gate:

Pro-Fence: $850

Reliable Fence: $1,200

Stratton Fence: $796.43 

Water Heater Notices:

There are still 9 units that have not provided an up to date Water Heater form. 3 of the 9 have stated verbally or via e-mail that they will provide the information or will replace their tank by the May deadline.

Unit Owner Request:

3 Douglas Green states the main circuit breaker located at the outside at the meter bank for 1-4 DG was corroded and needed to be replaced. 3 DG hired an electrician at the cost of $215 to replace the breaker. Last month the Board of Trustees declined reimbursement and the unit owner was informed, however the unit owner still contends this should be reimbursed as: “since I feel the outside of the building should be the association's responsibility if the tenants are not allowed to perform any preventative maintenance to that area (and the circuit breaker box services all four of the units k/a # 1-4 Douglass Green).”

Unit Owner Request to install crushed stone

9 MG, Elaine Chambers e-mailed: “With the recent water damage I experienced with the massive rain storms, I'm requesting permission to replace the "moss" area at my cellar door with crushed stone.  I believe this was approved for our new cluster.”

9 Kendall’s Mill Front Porch:

Rich DeFilippo discovered rot after trying to reattach a loose metal covering. The rot is extensive and includes the carrying beam for the porch. Bids for this project were solicited and are attached. SPS declined to give a price only an hourly cost.

Derro Construction:                            $6,410

Scott Forbes:                                       $12,300

Craftsmen Restoration:                       $5,400

It is recommended to re-start the Termite Sentricon baiting system for 5-9 Kendall’s Mill that were abandoned in 2003. The cost would be $485 for the first year the 5 units and $245 for the subsequent years. An application to the exterior for Carpenter Ants at $225 is also recommended. Both services can be performed and still remain in budget for Pest Extermination as the only planned expense is $1,600 in June for other Termite renewals.


Scott Forbes has submitted a report on leaks to the siding; it is attached for your review.

Management Report Meeting Updates:

            The Trustees approved an expenditure not to exceed $700 to install a gate in the pool house fence to permit better access to our loam supply. The Stratton bid was adjusted and accepted.

                        The Trustees were disappointed that not all residents completed the latest required water heater form but deferred action on any fines provided that ten year old heaters are replaced by the May 30 deadline.

            R. Clarke will meet with the owner of 3 DG in late April to attempt to achieve closure on their request, previously disapproved by the Trustees.

            The Trustees approved the 9 MG request provided that the crushed stone area is confined to the deck perimeter. The Maintenance Supervisor will draft suggested language to update handbook specifications for permitted practices.

            The Trustees approved the 9 KM Craftsman bid of $5,400 as a capital expenditure and also authorized expenditures not to exceed $4,500 for new termite contracts at 6-12 SMB, reestablish the contract at 5-9 KM (including a carpenter ant treatment) as well as $125 already approved and spent earlier this year for animal removal elsewhere. This will exceed our 2010 budget category of $3,000 and is in excess of the amounts reported above in the Management Report as the 6-12 SMB and other related expenses requirements were not included..

Landscaping/ Special Landscaping:

            APT will oversee Vanaria’s timely crab grass application coordinated with activation of our sprinkler systems. They will also inform Vanaria that we are having Derek Binding prune one crab apple tree as a sample of proper practice for Vanaria’s tree person.

            APT will coordinate Binding’s April tree spraying activities including notices to residents.

            APT will also notify residents and collect responses for bush replacement. R. Clarke will coordinate any approved replacements in May.

            The summer landscaping contract has been finalized at budgeted amounts and includes application of red hemlock mulch.

            The Trustees approved the removal of the dying oak behind 16 DG and R.Carke will organize a meeting of interested residents regarding the removal of one or more oak trees in the pool area.

            The Trustees approved an expenditure of no more than $200 for tree farm materials including retention buckets.

            The DG planter box will finally be removed in April with our contractor Vanaria assisting in the salvage of replantable carpet juniper.

Old Business:

            Sunshine Paving is overdue in providing specifications for 2010 drainage work as well as an updated estimate of expected 2012 repaving costs. N. Cahill will follow up here as information has now been promised by April 16.

            The Kents provided detailed information regarding deck railings at DG, SMB, KM and MG resulting in a Trustee decision to refrain from the capping of deck railings with weather resistant materials. It is now evident that we should be planning for a program 3 years hence to encourage owners to completely replace existing wooden railings with weather resistant materials. This program would be structured similarly to the decking incentives provided to VBW owners in 2008-2009. The Trust will proceed with the 2010 railing repainting scheduled for this spring once APT procures an adjusted bid to include the painting of the top rails.

            R. Clarke will establish a committee no later than September 1, 2010 to develop detailed plans and provide continuing oversight for all weather resistant deck materials including VBW.

            The Trustees decided not to expend funds to repatriate and retain old documents in the possession of our former counsel. We will rely on recorded documents as well as file material in our possession.

Next Trustees’ Meeting; May 5, 2010, 5:00pm at the garage office.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.