January 7, 2009, 5:00PM VBW GARAGE

            Meeting called to order at 5:10pm.

Present at the meeting were J. Alpert, R. Clarke, both attending by telephone J. Deasy, J. Fitzsimmons and Joel Seidman, Trustees, D. Mussen and R. DeFilippo representing APT, Inc.

December Minutes:  Approved as amended.

Procedural Note: In these minutes, action items are bold and italicized.

Trustee Resignation:

            The Trustees, with deep regret, accepted the resignation of Joel Seidman who has made a tremendous contribution to our community as a Trustee, Chairman of the Trustees, editor and publisher of the Quail Runner and many other hands on endeavors.

            The vacancy will be announced by posting at the mail box area and by e-mail to those signed up for e-mail notification. The Trustees will collect names of any residents willing to serve and will elect a successor to fill out the remaining term in accordance with The Declaration of Trust.

            The Trustees accepted, with pleasure, the offer of Hope Tillman to assume Joel Seidman’s Quail Runner role. To support Hope’s first edition, each Trustee will provide at least one item of substance prior to February 3.

Financial Matters:

            The Trustees reviewed the November financial report and expect the 2008 year to end reasonably close to budget.

            The purchase of an additional certificate of deposit in the amount of $50,000 from reserve funds was authorized at the best available rate within a three year maturity range. R. Clarke will coordinate this activity and review our current banking account structure with K. DuBose within the next few days.

Maintenance Report:

            The Trustees received an oral report of work performed in December.

  R. DeFilippo alerted the Trustees to an $800 increase in the cost of replacing garage doors at DG this year. He will also procure bids for VBW deck sealing and other 2009 painting projects throughout the complex but believes that we will exceed budgeted amounts.

No action will be taken regarding street lighting outages until weather improves unless there are significant additional bulb failures’

Rich was commended for his fine work in replacing the metal pedestals at our mail box area at a significant savings to the Trust. He will also remove the roof of the SMB trash structure for safety reasons and undertake the job of rebuilding the trash structure when weather permits

Management Report

Quail Run Condominium Trust

January 7, 2009

Delinquency Report:  This report covers the November collection of Condo feesThere is one delinquent. 

Condo fees                               $     0.00

Fine                                        $     0.00

Late Fees                                  $     7.74

Parking                                     $     0.00

NSF                                         $     0.00

TOTAL                                   $     7.74

Pre paid condo fees:  As of November 30, 2008, the Trust has $7,846.96 in prepaid condo fees. 

12 Month Spread Sheet:  Requested changes were made on the spread sheetSpecial Landscaping figures were reviewed by Greg Carbone and were entered as advised by Greg.

Pool Heater Gas Line:  Everything is set on our side just waiting for the gas company to schedule the installationWe also have two bids, one verbal for $3,500 to $4,000 and a bid for $3,000Both would require some electrical work.

Garage Doors:  I have received two requests for the installation of garage doorsI thought I should send out a notice that if anyone wanted to install garage doors to inform me and we could try and get a better priceSeeing we don’t need everyone to agree on the installation there might be a number of owners that would like to have doors installed.

Insurance Renewal:  In reference to the three year insurance premiumIt can be cancelled each year so it doesn’t tie you down for the three yearsIt just guarantees that you premium will stay the same for the three yearsYour current policy ends January 23. 2009.

E-Mail sign Ups:  At present Kathy has about half of the e-mail sign ups completed and will finish sometime in January. 

Water & Sewer Bills:  In August 2008 a new water meter was installed and we were billed up to that dateWe will also be billed from August 19 through December 2008Going forward we will be billed June & December.

Amendments:  Enclosed please find a copy of the recorded Amendments.

Management Report Meeting Updates:

            Arthur Downing has approved the timing of projected 2009 Special Landscaping expenditures as now shown on our 2009 budget monthly spreadsheet.

            APT will remind residents without garage doors that they must procure the consent of a majority of owners in each cluster to pay required charges before the Trustees will take action to install garage doors.

            The Trustees approved a new agreement for insurance coverage which fixes the cost of our coverage (damage to common areas, liability and D and O)

at $30,402. While this cost is fixed for a three year period, we retain the annual renewal option as required in our By-Laws. This is a saving of approximately $2,000 over 2008 rates and $4,000 over 2007 coverage.

            APT will remind overdue residents that delinquency fees have now been increased.


            The Trustees will decide at our February meeting as to how we will proceed with awarding 2009 landscaping contracts. A key consideration will be Vanaria’s performance during the current snow season. So far, in spite of some damage reports, the Trustees are reasonably pleased with progress and improvements. APT will remind Vanaria to clear walkways as well as roadways in response to emergency requests and not to use equipment, not designed for narrow pavement, on walkways.


Old Business:

            The Trustees approved final specifications for weather resistant railings and decking as well as the rebate program. APT will distribute these manual addenda along with awning specifications approved at an earlier 2008 meeting by inclusion in our next general mailing to residents. [March 2009 Quail Runner?]

            The Trustees approved the initial payment of $300 to Mark and Pat Hughes for replacing their decking with weather resistant material.

            The Woburn DPW reports that they have placed blocking boulders at the northern end of Sylvanus Woods Lane and have placed a  no littering sign.

            We still have the burden of removing prior litter on our conservation land in that area. Hopefully, Quail Run residents will gradually remove pieces when returning from walking outings.

Next Trustees’ Meeting:  February 3, 2009, 5:00pm at the garage office.

Executive Session: Possible Trustee candidates were discussed

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:24pm.