April 22, 2009, 5:30PM VBW GARAGE 

            Meeting called to order at 5:30pm.

Present at the meeting were R. Clarke, J. Deasy, J. Fitzsimmons and A. Downing Trustees and Trustee J. Alpert attending by telephone. W. Howe, Chairman of the Communications Committee also joined the meeting.

Procedural Note: In these minutes, action items are bold and italicized.

Deck Flooring Issues:

            The Trustees voted to use every reasonable means to encourage residents with weathered decks to switch to TREX deck flooring at the owner’s expense this year. Substantially all deck floors, other than at VBW and those decks at SMB already using TREX, are too badly weathered to warrant resealing by the Trust in the next painting cycle scheduled for 2010. The residents of SMB, the oldest cluster, found it necessary to replace their deck flooring during the envelope project.

   A Downing will review Appendix 10 of our handbook to update as necessary and provide final specifications.

            APT will be asked to seek contractor commitments for pricing per square foot with added discounts depending on the number of residents signing up for this program.  The Trustees will then select a preferred contractor at our May 6 meeting.

R. Clarke will prepare a series of notices to residents for approval at our May meeting with the goal of rolling this project out to interested residents as soon as possible. The Trustees will offer at least one informational meeting for residents later in May which should satisfy all that TREX is the ideal solution for all residents and The Trust as well as those with decks.

            The Trustees also confirmed that we will offer the incentive program outlined in Appendix 10 to all residents participating in the TREX program this year subject to R. Clarke providing additional analysis regarding incentive amounts and further confirming our ability to fund incentive payments via our reserve account.

            While residents are responsible for the repair, maintenance and replacement of their decks, The Trustees will not require residents not participating in this years TREX program to make flooring repairs until next year unless we become aware of a safety issue. Cash incentives only apply when TREX is utilized and will not be available after April 30, 2010.

            The Trustees previously approved the resealing of the newer VBW mahogany decks but hope that VBW residents also take advantage of our TREX program prior to the commencement of resealing.

Deck Railings:

            Most deck railings are in good shape with repainting/ restaining scheduled for May, 2010. The Trustees are aware of the benefits of replacing top deck railings at JG, MG, KM and DG with weather resistant top deck railings and will ask R. DeFilippo to recommend materials and procedures.

Archstone Update:

            Steve Keleti, Friends of MCP, joined the meeting to report that Archstone has not exercised its option on property adjacent to Quail Run. This tract will be reoffered for sale to area developers next month with the Friends now seeking funding options for either outright purchase or to provide cash incentives for private development which will not impair adjacent parkland including our own conservation areas.

            J. Deasy will identify all long time Quail Run residents who have used the access trail from Quail Run to MCP which crosses the Archstone tract. These individuals will be interviewed by J. Alpert to assess their willingness to join in a lawsuit as individuals seeking to preserve their right of way across this property. We understand that legal support for any of these activities will be provided by the Friends or related parties.


            The meeting adjourned at 7:07pm.