July 2, 2008, 5:00PM VBW GARAGE


            Meeting called to order at 5:00pm.

Present at the meeting were J. Alpert, R. Clarke, J. Deasy, J. Fitzsimmons and J. Seidman, Trustees, and D. Mussen representing APT, Inc.

June Minutes:  Approved.

Procedural Note: In these minutes, action items are bold and italicized.


            Arthur Downing joined the meeting to present the final draft landscaping contract for 2009-2011 as well as a sample contract for an independent arborist to assist the Landscaping Committee. The Trustees thanked Arthur for his diligent efforts, approved the landscaping contract and encouraged Arthur to proceed with the screening of arborist candidates.

            Greg Carbone of Bartlett Tree has promised to provide us with his five-year tree program prior to the August meeting so that Arthur and the Trustees can commence a plan review with the assistance of the arborist as soon as the position is filled. As part of this evaluation, we will have to decide whether small tree and shrub trimming should be done by the 2009 landscaper, Bartlett or other vendor.

            Arthur and Jack Deasy will update our snow removal contract and circulate copies by e-mail to the Trustees prior to the August Trustees’ meeting with the intention to go out for bids as soon as both snow and landscaping contracts are approved. We understand that all potential bidders are interested in performing both services.

            Arthur also reported that the Landscaping Committee needs more volunteers, ideally one from each of our 5 areas.

Owner Concerns:

            Ongoing drainage problems at both 4 MG and 11JG were discussed. Rich and D’Arrigo Land will be asked to revisit both sites and report back with further recommendations.

Financial Matters:

            We are basically on budget once the monthly budget allocations are adjusted for actual payment intervals. Dick Clarke will assist  Dave Mussen in drafting the analysis section of future monthly financial reports.

Maintenance Report:

            The Trustees reviewed the June report of work performed. APT is now including time spent on each task with the primary purpose of identifying recurring areas and issues consuming significant amounts of the Maintenance Supervisor’s time and where future capital expenditures may prove to be economical options.

            The additional pool motion lights have been installed but minor vandalism continues. APT will investigate upgraded door locks for the pool rest rooms.

            APT will look into the purchase of downspout “cones” which permit water flow even when gutters are partially filled with debris.

            Dave Mussen has updated the list of tasks that could be done by the Maintenance Supervisor during winter months. Ongoing input from all parties should ensure that all appropriate tasks are included.


Management Report

Quail Run Condominium Trust

July 2, 2008

Delinquency Report:  This report covers the May collection of Condo feesThere is one delinquent. 

Condo fees                           $     0.00

Fine                                        $     0.00

Late Fees                              $   28.28

Parking                                  $     0.00

NSF                                        $     0.00

TOTAL                                  $    28.28

Pre paid condo fees:  As of May 31, 2008, the Trust has $13,149 in prepaid condo fees. 

Handicap ramp at Mail box:  Dave Mussen was informed by Peter D’Arrigo that the $1,800 quoted for the handicap did not include the railingDave asked Peter to get him a quote for the railing and reported back to the Board to the Board that the quote for the railing was $1,200 bring the total to $3,000E-Mails were mixed opinions so it was relayed to Dave that we would discuss at the July MeetingWhen Dave went to the property on June 24th D’Arrigo had started installing the Handicap rampDave at that time informed Peter to hold off on the railing until further notice.   

Signage:  There were two signs that were spelled wrong and Gamit Sign has informed Dave that he will redo both signsDave has been in touch with Mark Todisco of Gamit Signs and he promised to do the signs in a timely mannerGamit Signs has not been paid for any of the work to date and will not be paid until the signs are repairedDave has made numerous calls to Mark and has received promises but to date no actionDave will send a letter to Mark informing him that if the signs are not done by ( date to be determined ) Dave will have the signs corrected by another company and will take the charged amount off the original bill. 

Vine Brook Way Deck Painting:  Dave Mussen has received a quote of $300 per deck from Robert O’Leary of Craftsman Restoration for the Vine Brook Way decksRoberts quote was to do the railings as recommended by the Benjamin Moore RepresentativeDave has other appointments and will have more quotes by the meeting on July 2nd.

CD Investments:  Dave Mussen has forwarded the instructions for future investments to APT Accounting Department Director Kathy Dubose and Deb Jones.

Exterminating:  The termite control for 5 – 8 MG has been installed at a cost of $2,375 with a guarantee for two years with a subsequent annual fee of $325 per cluster.

Vanaria Reseeding & Mulch Pull Back:  Dave Mussen has talked with Joe Vanaria and the reseeding will be doneJoe also said if we wanted to pull the mulch away from the buildings he could have three men work on a Saturday at $45.00 per hour per person.

Landscaping & Snow Removal Bids:  Dave Mussen contacted 10 companies to inquire if they would be interested in bidding on landscaping & snow removalSee attached for the companies that are interested in bidding.

Management Report Meeting Updates:

            Installation of a railing at the mailbox ramp was approved at a cost not to exceed $1200.

            APT will contact other vendors including the provider of our new conservation area signs to repair/replace the defective cluster signs.

            Deck rail painting at VBW was confirmed at a cost not to exceed $300 per unit.

            Mulch removal by Vanaria was approved at a cost of approximately $1100 ( 3 people at $45/hr). Vanaria will also replace a damaged tree and barrier rock at VBW at the contractor’s expense.

            The purchase and installation of new mail box “pedestals” was approved at a cost not to exceed $1040.

            All of the above tasks are scheduled to be completed this month.


Old Business:

            J. Fitzsimmons will work with D. Mussen , prior to our September meeting, to provide written recommendations regarding a more permanent solution for VBW deck maintenance issues. They will consider vinyl railing caps and complete new vinyl railing systems among other options.

            We have been informed that new pool regulations require improved drain covers beginning next year. Cost is expected to be approximately $1,000 with this fall the best time to perform the work. APT will make the requisite arrangements for final approval at our August meeting with installation after the fall pool shut down. Loose/ missing pool tiles will also be addressed at that time.

            J. Seidman has completed the Handbook editing process and will be mailing new binder inserts this month. It is the unit owner’s responsibility to share this information with any renters.

            No new information is available regarding House 2990 but APT and Quail Run Trustees will keep an eye out for new developments.

            J. Seidman will ask a neighbor to check in with a dissenting resident at KM regarding garage door installation.

New Business:

            APT will post a flyer at the mailbox area seeking volunteers to coordinate this year’s annual pool cookout in August. This event may have to be cancelled if no one steps forward.

 Action Items from Prior Meetings:

            These will now be reported in the old business section.

Next Meeting:  August 6, 2008, 5:00pm at the garage office.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.